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sexual difficulties

delayed ejaculation​ symptoms

A person experiencing delayed ejaculation symptoms, may experience the following 

  • Frequent delay or absence of ejaculating, that is out of his control

  • This difficulty causes the person significant distress 

Erectile difficulties

A person experiencing erectile difficulty symptoms, may experience the following 

  • Frequent and significant difficulty obtaining an erection during sexual activity 

  • Frequent and significant difficulty maintaining an erection until the sexual act is completed

  • The erectile difficulties cause significant distress

female orgasmic difficulties

A Person experiencing symptoms that characterise a female orgasmic disorder, may experience the following 

  • Frequent difficulty or absence regarding orgasm 

  • Significant reduced intensity of orgasmic sensations 

Female sexual arousal/interest difficulties

A person struggling with female sexual interest/arousal difficulties, may experience the following

  • Absent or lower interest in sexual activity

  • Absent or reduced erotic thoughts and fantasies

  • Absent or reduced initiation of sexual activity

  • Unresponsiveness to partners attempts to engage in sexual activity

  • Reduced sexual desire and pleasure during sexual activity most of the time

  • Absent or reduced sexual response to any verbal, written, visual sexual cues

  • Absent or reduced genital sensation during sexual activity most of the time


Difficulties are not related to age, medical condition, socio-cultural factors or severe relationship distress.


A person struggling with genito-pelvic pain/penetration difficulties, may experience the following

  • Vaginal penetration pain during intercourse

  • Vulvo-Vaginal or pelvic pain during intercourse

  • Significant fear or anxiety regarding painful intercourse

  • Significant tensing or tightening of pelic floor muscles during intercourse


A person struggling with male hypoactive desire difficulties, may experience the following

  • Absence of erotic thoughts or fantasises

  • Absence or low desire for sexual activity

Symptoms are not related to age, medical condition, socio-cultural factors or severe relational distress


A person struggling with male hypoactive sexual desire difficulties, may experience the following

  • Frequent uncontrollable ejaculation within the first minute of penetration

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